The Revengers by Terrence McCauley

The Revengers by Terrence McCauley

Author:Terrence McCauley [McCauley, Terrence]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pinnacle Books
Published: 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00


Even through the closed door of the jail, Joshua Sandborne could hear the bawdy sounds from The Blue Belle Saloon carrying along the street. Someone was banging out an unfamiliar tune on a piano while the drunks did their best to sing along.

He had just finished checking on the prisoners and found them both fast asleep in their cells. But not even the dank air in the jail was enough to dampen his spirits.

He looked at Randy’s confession for the tenth time and it still gave him a thrill. His signature, along with Bill Holland’s, meant it was legal. It had weight and could be used to finally get a warrant to arrest Ed Zimmerman.

Sandborne had won. He might not be as fancy as the marshal or Billy or Jeremiah with a pistol, but he had done serious work that day. He no longer felt like the kid Mackey had felt sorry for and hired on. He finally felt he deserved the star pinned on his shirt. A star that meant everything to him.

He felt good. No, better than good. He felt right at home.

He could not wait to see their faces when he showed them Randy’s statement. Mule had refused to give one, but he had expected as much. The marshal would be able to lean on him enough to get him to sign if he thought it was necessary. But Randy’s sworn statement would be enough. Sandborne had helped save Jeremiah the only way he knew how. His way.

The waiting for the marshal to return with Billy and Jeremiah was beginning to wear on his nerves. And although Mackey had ordered him to keep the door closed, he needed some fresh air. No, he decided he deserved it. His humble reward for a job well done. He had broken a prisoner just like Mackey would have done it. He had nothing to fear from grabbing a little bit of fresh air just outside.

Sandborne took his rifle down from the rack, opened the door, and stepped out onto the boardwalk. He knew the marshal might be angry with him if he rode up and saw him standing outside, but he was sure Randy’s sworn statement would be enough to earn his forgiveness.

He had found another way to go up against the likes of Ed Zimmerman and his kind. Times were changing, and Montana was changing right along with them. He hoped to find a place for himself in keeping it safe.

He drew in a deep breath of cold night air and let it out slowly. Yes, sir. Confidence was a fine feeling for a man to have. Not cockiness or arrogance, just a belief in himself. He had passed a test before he realized he had been taking one and felt good about it. He was no longer the lowest hand of the brand. He had earned his place.

The ruckus from The Blue Belle began to grow even louder, and he squinted in the direction of the saloon.


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